SPIRITUAL UPLIFTING UPDATE from Apostle Innosaint Makhole Phiri - "Embrace Your Sadness!"   When we are sad we tend to blame anyone and everyone for it. Life is filled with happiness, sadness, tears, smiles, laughter and a hell lot of other emotions: Sometimes we may be happy and sometimes be sad; that is the way of life. some days are just bad days, that’s all! Who says that each day ought to be a good day, can’t it be just a low day? God never promised us that we won't face difficulties or challenges - He promised to be there with us in those times! Is it really that hard to understand? Infact, Sadness remind us the importance of happiness in our life. Sadness give us the opportunity to ask for change and offer a better way of living. It sometimes bring the best in people because it may create an environment or condition we do not want to stay in. We should not allow sadness to put us down or lose complete hope in life. We should not run away from our grief as it is never gonna help rather do the exact opposite; sit calmly and acknowledge it, understand it, embrace it. Lets not get stuck in this process, simply express and resolve the grief and move on. How can we view, focus or reach our destination if we keep our head down? Always remember that sadness is part of the temporal change which can help us understand what really matters in life. Devil's afflictions are not permanent! Bad things do happen; how we respond to them defines our character and the quality of our life. Lets for once try to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift from God that we freely have – life itself! AMEN. #AIM@2015Gospel FOR PRAYER REQUEST, TESTIMONY and SPIRITUAL COUNCELLING - #Like_and_Follow_us; →Facebook Page - m.facebook.com/apostleinnosaintmakhole →Twitter - @Godsgeniusson →Instagram - apostle_innosaint_makhole →Google+ - apostle_innosaint_makhole →Waplog - God'sGeniusSon →Tagged - apostle_innosaint_makhole →Email - innosaintphiri@gmail.com →WhatsApp/Text/Call us- +265 (0) 88 1 665 414

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